Tuesday, February 13, 2007

今晚2 kolegas 看演出。见伟棠疏影。更想回家。
今天演出的是两高大老外。Joel Grip来自瑞典,玩低音大提琴。David Coulter,音乐家,艺术工作坊主持人,导师,也为舞蹈戏剧等配乐。

Joel Grip 玩大提琴,前面提过了。他的即兴演出对大提琴的榨取令人印象极深:用弓拉,弹少不了,在弦上放鼓棍,小玩具(其实我看不清那是什么)敲打。。。。。。破坏性声音把大提琴原本经过设计的线条破坏,并同时创造。号角跟嘶鸣使进攻更为复杂,但无伤其直观性。不少即兴艺术家都着重理论的颠覆性多于艺术的直观部分,即令艺术之所以为艺术,而不是哲学或着数学的成分,听Joel Grip 的时候却人人更注意那些直观的体验,甚于理论上的摄收。看他演出,有时候觉得自己是个磬,声音转在外面,里面空心共鸣,四周慢慢长出檀城。

David Coulter 玩口弦,吹拖把,还有发出卡通片里的碎步声的小玩具,活像卖玩具有热爱玩具的小贩。台上滑稽的声音跟台下屏息的凝神成反差,什么时候我们可以轻轻松松感受艺术呢?


Thursday, February 08, 2007


《田园之死》(pastoral hide-and seek) 1974 (又译:〈死在田园〉/〈死者田园祭〉
导演: 寺山修司 (Sunji Terayama)

《田园之死》 是寺山修司五部长片之一,是新手观其电影的入门课。片中华丽的视觉隐喻流溢,碎片般的情节,穿插期间的古怪人物(马戏团里的空气女,侏儒,全身披黑袈裟,带海盗眼罩的白面老妇,硫磺味弥漫的恐山,化浓妆的小孩等),种种意象搭构出寺山修司的世界,跟寺山修司的整个电影系列组成庞大的风格化异色空间。

不少人看过《田园之死》 (又译《死在田园》/《死者田园祭》)后均认为其为寺山的自传体作品,除了以第一人称作为陈述角度外,戏中主角(以成人和少年两种姿态出现)与寺山修司同月同日生(同为12月10日,但寺山修司生于公元1935年,主角“我”出生年份则为昭和49年,即公元1974年,亦即该片拍摄年份); 寺山修司在日本青森县出生,戏中主角的出生地是位于青森县,有日本三大灵场之称的恐山(电影里主角称自己的出生地---恐山地处东京市)。种种非巧合的安排,证明寺山修司欲一借电影改写自己的历史而重生的意图。故此,解读此片的时候,不少人会堕入以作者生平为阐释单一切入点的圈套,出色的电影随即成了作者经验(empirical)生活的副线,意难平或者有病呻吟,戏里的肆意的意象和诗意都沦为对作者来得太迟的抱怨的附庸。



电影梗概:“在青森县恐山山脚下的小村里,有一位与母亲两人相依为命的少年(”我“)。少年暗恋着嫁入邻家的女子。邻居是地主,婆婆统治家里的一切,女子的丈夫则是个软弱的中年男人。对少年来说,生活中最开心的事情是去见恐山的灵媒,听父亲给他的传言。一天,一个马戏团来到村里,少年从那里了解到外面的大千世界。心生向往的少年准备出村,邻家的媳妇得知后要与少年同行。然而那媳妇却没有赴约,等待的少年独自在原野上入睡……画面突然转到试播室,几个制作人员和评论家们正在观看此片,突然,剧中的少年开门进来,指出电影过度美化了那段日子,于是开始讲述真正的过去……’ (转载自www.mtime.com)








除了控制戏中人的时间,〈田园之死〉也操控观者的时间。电影开端小朋友玩躲猫猫,原本的小玩伴忽然变成大正年代打扮的诡异人物,电影结尾主角跟母亲在故乡家中,刹那间四面墙倒下,主角暴露与东京繁华的街头,还有电影中空气女的呻吟,系在殉情男女身上的红线,鬼火般飘浮的日本老童谣。。。。。。这些感官异觉化(视觉和听觉上)不啻是寺山修司强烈风格特征,也是延长艾柯(Umberto Eco)在〈优游小说林〉里述及的阅读(观看)时间的技巧。对于电影和书本里寻常的物事和情节,我们会用在现实中早已熟知的经验/取自经验的逻辑推断,加快阅读时间。面对寺山修司精心布局的奇形怪状,既有逻辑无用武之地,观众只好费尽心神寻找当中的意蕴,或者象我那样,尽情享受日本cult 片鬼才预备的感官盛宴。如是者,观众所经验的时间不是放片的102 分钟,而是他们经验的(empirical), 迷路的时间。






p.s.有人说寺山修司象费里尼(Federico Fellini),因为马戏团是他们作品的重要部分 也有人说寺山修司象柏索里尼(Pier Paolo Pasolini ),因为大家都有或隐晦或露白的性描写。


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Prostitutes' rain-dance
" If the drought persists , the Chinese government officials will report the disaster to the emperor , and the emperor will ask prostitutes to perform a rain dance."
" Those Chinese prostitutes were divided into groups. All of them together sat down to sing and play music. One by one, each group of prostitutes would stand up and dance at the twelve points, offering a peculiar performance; after each group finished, they would leave the stage for the next group, which would writhe and perform for the spirits." Anyone could predict what would happen if the rain still did not nourish the cracked ground after these rituals , everyone knew that if they were undiligent in their sacred task, the emperor would not release and send them back to their brothels with a rosy smile on his face. Everybody knew that, it was impossible, that was China in 1516. It was not hard to foresee that those prostitutes who disappointed their king would all be executed, but at least they would have the luxury of going to the scaffold instead of the other creatively ruthless devices for torturing. You know, there were thousands of prostitutes involved in the ceremony, so would take several years to execute all those innocent females if the emperor wanted to kill them by a wide range of torture varieties. That 's why the square was choked by the waves of women's cries of pain. Through those starving and sleepless days and nights , they could only wait, with their eyes like dried-up wells, opened to the air, for the rain to come.

This ceremony has never been recorded in a Chinese history book, at least not the official ones. Ibn Battuta 's observation provides additional evidence on China' s folk-religious history, and it is this missing part that attracts my attention. During ancient times, just like in any other agricultural Asian society, there were remains of primitive religion in Chinese society, no matter now influential Confucianism and other more advanced religions were. So what is the meaning of these relics of primitive religion? Research tell us that primal agriculture and witchcraft are siamese twins, so it is not surprising that we have found information indicating that there were such shamanistic ceremonies in a dynasty where technology existed that could allow a Chinese eunuch to sail from China to Africa. The link between primitive agriculture and shamanism is based on the unstablity imposed on early peasants by nature: hailstorms, hurricane, flooding ------any one of these disasters could devour millions of peasant s' lives and properties in one gulp. Dealing with the nature that was a provider as well as a foe , early Chinese peasants could only take a passive stance--------let supernatural powers control the uncontrollable nature. This idea was the fundamental concept of primeval Chinese religion, and was closely related to agricultural productivity.

Facing supernatural powers higher than nature , the primordial Chinese could not do anything other than beseech. So who was going to communicate with invisible spiritual beings?Through intuitive observations, early people decided to put emphasis on women. Through visceral observation, early people associated the reproduction of crops with that of human beings directly (in aboriginal matriarchal communities , males' role in breeding was considered not as important as females'). This is the reason why most primitive religious rites were performed by females.

Thus the role of women in rain-dance ceremony could explained by looking at shamanism, but not the choice of using prostitutes. One controversial explanation would be that prostitutes were not considered to be humans. In ancient China, sex-workers were commodified by the patriarchy as toys on men's palms. Transaction contracts for prostitutes and systematic operation of brothels widely legitimated this commodification from an ideological perspective to economic and legal aspects . Being defined as commodities and not humans, sex workers lost their right of blending into the social structure through ethical relations. Ancient Chinese prostitutes were nobody's wives, daughters, or mothers, and so they did not have any corresponding ethical identity in society. Instead, they were attached to brothels and men through repressive relations. Rulers and moralists were happy to assign unpleasant tasks to prostitutes, for instance, the rain-dance, since using women in the societal structure for such dangerous tasks would topple the entire Confucian society, which was formed by individual households.

As French philosopher Gilles Deleuze stated ,empirical history is strata of visible and narrative surfaces. Histories do not exist before they are expressed by narration , nor they are stuffed with visible elements. Narration and selection of discourses are crucial components of history. Chinese history is always utilized as an implement of moral-education ,hence , historians were advised to be cautious when they were going to put something involving prostitutes , who were considered to be immoral and also detrimental to the Confucian stability ,on a history book.

Prostitutes would only appear in Chinese history in two forms : as femme fatale , or an individual whose 'immorality" was watered-down by patriotism . Nobody that the prostitutes who sacrificed their bodies and minds or even lives ,were kind of patriots , but historians and media told us that stories of individuals are more striking than those of a group of people ( The news reports on the Middle-East rivals demonstrate how this theory works), in other words , one prostitute's stories are more eye-catching than the ones of a group of prostitutes , so , they are more effective in moral education and propaganda. That's why we could only see the evidence of those pitiful women's existence on a foreigner's travel note instead of our own history books.

Since ancient days, even on the ancient plain silks or inscribed-bamboo stripes that ancient history was inscribed upon, we cannot find many written records discussing the subject of prostitutes. There were many who were infatuated by prostitutes with snowy-white skin and willing to spend millions in gold on them. However, being treated as commodities, prostitutes were doomed to be muted, to be forgotten on purpose. There might be heavenly nourishment coming down after incantations floated by on chapped purple lips with fading rouge,there might be pomegranate-red wounds with air-pipes exposed blooming in the scorched square, but in any case the prostitutes' voices were forever buried. Only the marble lions on the squares would see them, with sleepless stone eyes.